
Announcement of the Baby Point Heritage Foundation 2024 Annual General Meeting of Membership

To all of our members, friends, and supporters, the Baby Point Heritage Foundation cordially invites you to join us for a special evening of wine and cheese featuring a distinguished speaker on a topic relevant to our community.  This year, we are excited to host Pauline Walters, Heritage Planner from the team of ERA Architects.  For further information and to RSVP your attendance, please see the invitation below.  We can be reached directly at http://info@babypointheritage.com

Hope to see you there!



The Story Behind the Baby Point Heritage Foundation

Founded in early 2010, the Baby Point Heritage Foundation (BPHF) began as a collaboration of neighbours with common interests and a shared goal: to preserve and protect the built heritage of this exceptionally unique neighbourhood. Concerned by interest in demolishing or radically modifying the exterior of homes and streetscape in Baby Point, and catalysed into action by the proposed demolition of a heritage Arts & Crafts home, the group decided to form the BPHF with the view to educate and inform residents and the public of the heritage of the neighbourhood, which is historically, architecturally and archaeologically significant to the history of the City of Toronto, to the province of Ontario, and to Canada.

The Foundation was formally incorporated in August, 2010 as a non-profit, federally-charted organization.

Our Mission:

The focus of BPHF efforts involve three core interests:

• to educate and inform residents and the public of the heritage of the neighbourhood, which is historically, architecturally and archaeologically significant to the history of both Ontario and Canada
• through education and awareness programs, help foster local interest in maintaining Baby Point’s historical atmosphere and architectural integrity
• to make application to the City of Toronto for designation of Baby Point as a Heritage Conservation District (HCD) as laid out in a formal submission

Update on HCD

July 12, 2018 – City of Toronto, Toronto Preservation Board Item:  Proceeding from Study to Plan Phase for the Proposed Baby Point Heritage Conservation District (please click on link below):
